MB ChB 1981 Auckland
Dr Warwick Jaffe
Interventional Cardiologist
Dr Warwick Jaffe
Dr Warwick Jaffe
Interventional Cardiologist
“It’s very satisfying to make people feel better, so that their everyday life improves. With heart disease there are many conditions that aren’t immediately life-threatening, but they cause day-to-day misery. By widening an artery with a high-tech procedure or fine-tuning somebody’s medications, you can make such a difference. Sometimes people just need reassurance, so that they’re not living with constant anxiety about their health.”
Dr Warwick Jaffe's Background
Dr Warwick Jaffe has been practicing clinical cardiology for the last thirty years. After initial training at Greenlane Hospital, he travelled to the United States as a recipient of a Foggity NIH scholarship. He trained in echocardiography and returned to Greenlane Hospital in 1990. He has been a recipient of several research grants. Dr Jaffe began private practice in 1991 and has been full-time at Ascot Hospital since 1999. For the past fifteen years, he has practised interventional cardiology and he has carried out more than 3,000 angioplasties.
Dr Jaffe travels to Samoa to work pro-bono for the Samoan Health Service. He has made more than thirty trips over the last ten years. He is primarily involved with service development which includes teaching junior doctors to diagnose and treat heart problems. Outside work Dr Jaffe’s interests include gardening, boating, fishing and tramping.
For people who are experiencing cardiac symptoms or have had an event before, Dr Jaffe believes that Ascot Hospital offers several advantages. Most tests can be done in one visit and the waiting times are generally short, what’s more, Dr Jaffe’s expertise is nearly always on hand because he only works at Ascot.
Ascot Hospital, Level 3
90 Greenlane East
Remuera, Auckland 1051
PO Box 17 187,
Greenlane, Auckland 1546