Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please complete this short survey if you’ve recently been a patient at Ascot Angiography.


    Patient number*

    1. How convenient and accessible is Ascot Angiography?*

    2. Was the process through our service conducted professionally?*

    3. How well informed were you about your procedure?*

    4. Were you treated with courtesy and respect throughout your experience with Ascot Angiography?*

    5. How would you rate your customer service experience?*

    6. How would you rate Ascot Angiography's facilities?*

    7. How likely are you to recommend Ascot Angiography to friends and family?*

    8. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience at Ascot Angiography?*


    Ascot Hospital, Level 3
    90 Greenlane East
    Remuera, Auckland 1051

    PO Box 17 187,
    Greenlane, Auckland 1546

    Contact Us